Skeuomorphism in User Experience Design 📱

An old design principle, I’ve recently been obsessed with in 2023

Ayush Singh


Evolution of design with Skeuomorphism

In the rapidly evolving landscape of UX design, there’s a recurring trend that resurfaces every now and then, challenging the status quo of minimalist and flat design. This is “skeuomorphism,” a design principle that marries the past and the present by incorporating familiar real-world elements into digital interfaces. While it might seem like a blast from the past, skeuomorphism continues to captivate designers like me.

Understanding Skeuomorphism: A Bridge Between Worlds

Skeuomorphism derives its name from the Greek words “skeuos,” meaning container or tool, and “morphē,” meaning form. It refers to the practice of emulating real-world textures, materials, and interactions in digital design. This approach was particularly prominent in the early days of computing when technology was trying to find its place in the world, and designers sought to ease the transition for users accustomed to physical objects.

Remember the days when your calendar app looked like an actual leather-bound planner, complete with torn-off paper edges? Or when your note-taking app resembled a lined paper notebook with a spiral binding? These are classic examples of skeuomorphic design elements, where digital interfaces mimicked their physical counterparts to make users feel more comfortable and familiar with new technologies.

App icons on iOS 6 are a great example of Skeuomorphism

The Emotional Connection: Nostalgia and Familiarity

For me, Skeuomorphism taps into the psychological power of nostalgia, transporting users back to a time when technology was less daunting and more relatable. It invokes a sense of comfort by mirroring objects and interactions that people have used for generations.

Maybe this emotional connection can lead to increased engagement and a more positive user experience?

As an example, think about the iconic design of Apple’s iOS prior to iOS 7. The app icons were designed to resemble physical objects, from the notes app that looked like a notepad to the contacts app that resembled a classic Rolodex. This approach created a sense of unity and coherence within the digital environment, making it easier for users to navigate and relate to the technology they were using.

Revival and Reimagining: Modern Skeuomorphism

After the minimalist and flat design trends became popular, skeuomorphism took a back seat for a while. My experience of being in this industry has taught me that, design trends are cyclical. I believe that skeuomorphism has made a comeback, in a more refined and balanced manner. Modern skeuomorphism retains the essence of real-world elements while embracing the digital medium’s capabilities.

Today’s skeuomorphic designs strike a delicate balance between familiarity and functionality. Designers are careful not to sacrifice usability for the sake of aesthetics. For instance, the wallet app on iOS emulates a feeling of having a wallet full of cards in a digital format.

Skeuomorphism in iOS

Looking Ahead: Skeuomorphism in the Digital Future

As technology continues to advance, designers will likely explore new ways to integrate skeuomorphic elements into user experience. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) might be exciting opportunities to blend physical and digital realms seamlessly. Imagine an AR shopping app that allows you to browse virtual shelves with products displayed just like in a physical store, creating a novel yet familiar shopping experience.

In conclusion, skeuomorphism in UX design is a testament to the power of nostalgia and the human desire for familiarity and comfort. By combining elements of the physical world and digital interfaces, designers can create emotional and engaging experiences for users. As the design landscape continues to evolve, skeuomorphism could stand as a bridge between the past and the future.



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Paris based UX Designer, passionate about crafting seamless & scalable experiences.